It's been relatively busy. Family and friends visited during the holidays, thank goodness I was able to take some days off to keep them company. My New Year's was completely unplanned. We did not purchase tickets anywhere, and those places free were ridiculously crowded. Somehow after our dinner at Wine Cellar in Los Gatos and our FAILED attempt to bar hop, we ended up at my house for some drinks and countdown. Here's what I wore for New Year's Eve. I would've taken pictures at home, but per usual, I got ready too late and rushed out of the house to make it in time for our reservations.
Aritzia lace tank, Free People eyelet shorts, BCBGeneration 'Helara' pump, Baublebar bracelet |
For some odd reason the flash would not turn on automatically during my solo pic and coat on during the picture below, it was FREEZING.
Express tights |